DIGC202-Battle of The (mobile) Operating Systems

Coming off Apple’s highly anticipated IPhone 7 launch a few days ago, now is a perfect time to re-examine the long-lasting battle between Apple and Android.

Everyone knows that in the market of mobile software, Android and Apple are the major figureheads. I mean, honestly, does anyone actually use a Windows phone? However, the debate still goes on, regarding who is better than who and the fight for total market dominance continues. For a number of years, particularly in the last decade, it always felt like Android were playing catch-up to Apple. Yet, in the last 5 years, Android have started catching up and the two have never been closer until now. But what are the differences?


One of the major differences between Android and Apple is the open-ness of its operating systems. It is well-known that Apple is very restrictive with customization and general content, whilst Android is generally more open, to an extent.


To conclude, I’m going to leave you with a question: Do we choose safety or do we choose freedom?


One thought on “DIGC202-Battle of The (mobile) Operating Systems

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  1. In reply to your question, I think the majority of humans will always choose safety over anything else – purely because that’s what society tells us is the better option and it takes a lot for most people to accept change and branching out from the ordinary. I also think it is easier for Apple devices to be linked together, providing more security for users in that everything is accessible over a range of devices. Here is an interesting article explaining the open v closed systems of Android and Apple http://www.howtogeek.com/217593/android-is-open-and-ios-is-closed-but-what-does-that-mean-to-you/

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